
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

The item that I chose to look into was my facial lotion by Olay. I use this lotion on my face when it gets all dried out. The database gave this product a 5. This put it in the medium range category. According to the database my product scored high in the allergy category. Apparently this product has a high chance of causing skin irritation and some allergies with that. I was glad to see that it scored low for risk with cancer and reproductive issues. In fact, the only category it actually scored high in was the allergy one. Overall, they rated this product has having moderate health concerns and considering I don't wear it very often I'm not too concerned. Actually now that I think about it I hardly every wear any sort of make-up or cosmetic products very often at all. I was upset to see that this company tests their products on animals. I understand that testing products before putting them on the market is important but I don't like the idea of testing products on animals. After viewing this product and looking at my other cosmetics products I think I will cut back on my use of them. Not only will it save me money but it will be better for me in the long run as well. Plus it shouldn't be that hard considering I really don't use too many cosmetics very often anyways.


  1. I don't wear very many cosmetics either. A couple years ago I made a big switch of pretty much everything I put on and in my body like toothpaste, shampoo, lotions, and some makeup. I would like to swap the rest of my makeup products out to natural ones that have less chemicals.

  2. It is always good when one of the products you use is in the low category of possibly being dangerous. It really makes you rethink what you use though when the products you use regularly can be dangerous for you. There are so many things in this class that are eye opening. You really learn a lot that you can actually apply to your life.
