
Monday, December 5, 2011

Advocacy Project: Fact Sheet

Pesticide Poisoning:
Here are some facts on pesticides

  • The U.S. agriculture industry uses about 800 million pounds of pesticides annually.
  • Homeowners use about 70 million pounds of pesticides annually on their lawns.
  • Approximately 90 percent of all households in the U.S. use pesticides.
One use of pesticides is to control the mosquito population. This is important in preventing the spread of some diseases such as West Nile virus. For example, in Fort Collins, Colo., 211 people contracted West Nile virus prior to spraying pesticides to control the mosquito population. After the area was sprayed, the instances of West Nile decreased to only 17.
  • Pesticides are monitored by the U.S. EPA and must go through rigorous testing before they can be distributed. The U.S. EPA requires about 100 different scientific studies and tests from all applicants seeking to register pesticides.
  • There are several different type of pesticides, but the most notable are chemical pesticides (man-made) and organic or biopesticides (naturally occurring).
  • Pesticides are extremely lethal in large doses. The majority do not cause long term or long lasting damage if a low dose is injected, inhaled or absorbed; however, exposure is not recommended. On every label for pesticides are instructions for proper disposal.
  • In the U.S., about 110,000 pesticide poisonings are reported by poison control centers each year. About 23,000 visit the emergency room for the same reason. 
This information was found at: Earth 911


  1. I agree...pesticides need to be regulated. They can harm you and cause birth defects too. I think you definitely need to send this fact sheet to a politician.

  2. This fact sheet is nicely organized! To make your argument even stronger, include a little background or definition of pesticides. I think these points will make a strong impact on politicians!

  3. Really good facts here. I liked how you put some facts in bulletin points.

    I hate mosquito's but I also hate pesticides. If only there was a better way to get rid of these blood sucking monsters!!
