
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Advocacy Project: Letter to Elected Official

December 10, 2011
Bog Gibbs
House of Representatives
329 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515


The proposed bill on the regulated release of pesticides will have a significant impact on our water systems. As a current health education student I am quickly learning the impact pesticides have on our environment and people’s health.  From what I am learning I strongly believe that not requiring a permit for the discharge of authorized pesticides into navigable waters.  I believe that instead we need to regulate the use of pesticides so that they do not go into any water source at all. This should just be the start, what we really need to do is to start a movement that slowly cuts back on the use of pesticides until we have stopped using them completely. This will both benefit the environment and people’s health.

It’s no secret that the use of pesticides has a negative effect on a person’s health, especially if you are the farmer that is applying them.  The U.S. agriculture industry uses around 800 million pounds of pesticides annually. About 110,000 pesticide poisonings are reported by poison control centers every year. We can reduce the rate of pesticide poisonings in our country by controlling the discharge of pesticides and also cutting back on the amount that we are using. To cut back on the amount of pesticides that people ingest will decrease the amount of poisonings that occur.

Allies of this bill would argue that they are controlling the safe use of pesticides by making sure only regulated pesticides are only discharged into navigable water. They would argue that only “safe” pesticides are being used. Unless the pesticide is naturally occurring there is nothing safe about it. Cost would be another issue that comes up, using natural pesticides would indeed cost more but when you compare it to the health costs of pesticide poisoning and the cost of someone’s life there is no comparison.

We appreciate your efforts to control the use of pesticides by requiring only regulated pesticides but that has to be just the start. We need to push forward towards working on stopping the use of pesticides. So to push forward please vote “no” to bill H.R. 872.  If you would like to contact me to discuss this issue further please call me at 586-445-9265 or email me at



  1. Great points here! I like how you incorporated numbers and statistics into your argument. It may be a good idea to include some alternative options to pesticides in order to decrease the current usage. Including your contact information is a great idea to show that you stand behind your issue and are willing to defend it further!

  2. Awesome job for writing this on pesticides! I too am very concerned with the amount of pesticides we as a nation use, and they are extrememly detrimental to our crops and our health. Great way to get it out there!

  3. This is a very good letter. The stats your provided in your letter really help support the purpose of the letter. I am also concerned about the amount of pesticides.
