
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Eye Opener: CSPI

For this blog I chose to do "Sc. Your Diet." I thought that this would be a good exercise to do because I was kind of curious as to how good my diet was not only for me but for the environment. My overall score for this activity was a lot lower than I expected it to be. I scored a 3 which put me in the "uh-oh" category.

I found out that I did the best in the dairy category and in that category I scored a 4. I believe it's because I have always loved drinking milk and yogurt is the perfect snack for me that I have on almost a daily basis. Not only do I have those on a regular basis but when I buy my dairy product I most often buy the low fat version of of the item. Next to my dairy I tied for fruits and vegetables with a 3. This is because as a health education major I know the importance of getting in my daily amount fruits and vegetables as often as possible. Although I know that I don't get my full amount everyday I try to make a conscious effort to consume more fruits and vegetables.

I scored the worst in the cheese category and in that category I scored a -4. I add cheese to a lot of my dished that I make and when I do I try to make sure it is low fat cheese so that it is a bit more healthier but since it's cheese it is mostly still bad for me. To fix this I am gonna start cutting it out of the meals that don't need it and when they do require it I will try using less cheese than what the recipe calls for.

The category that I did the worst in was both environment and animal welfare and in both categories I scored a -4. There are quite a few things that I can do to fix this. I can start buy making sure that the food that I am buying is locally grown and also grown naturally. To help with animal welfare I can try getting my meat from a local butcher that has free-range poultry and doesn't come from a place that feed their animals any GMO or inject them with any chemicals.

After reviewing my overall score in all the categories separately and combined I realized that although I have made some changes to improve my eating habits they still need some more work. Also I need to make more of an effort to eat environmentally healthy as well as pay attention to animal welfare. This exercise has been a real eye opener for me.

Below I posted the link to my diet score page:

Label: Eye Opener


  1. Cheese is the most delicious food out there! I too put cheese on lots of my dishes; I do however need to work on cutting down my consumption. Helping the environment is all about making small changes and maybe it starts will skipping the extra cheese on your pasta dishes!

  2. Not many people are good at getting their fruits and vegetables everyday. It's good that you are getting what you need in that category! Each of us could always make changes in our diet, it is good to hear that you plan on doing that!

  3. No body has a perfect diet. We all eat things that we know may not be the best for us. It is important though to know what kind of life the animals we eat had before they became food. I want to know where my meat is coming from and if they were confined to a small pen or had a huge area to graze in. This class is so eye opening to all of us that it can be overwhelming at times. Just make the changes that you see as important and you will be doing your part for the environment.
