
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Read 'n' Seed 2: Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet.

I read the first 3 chapters, which ended up being the first 92 pages of the book. The first few pages of the book started out by discussing the author's first book and it's affect not only on her family but those who read it and those she talked to about it. She then introduces this book and explains why she decided to write another book about this topic. This book is a continuation of the first book she wrote, "Diet for a Small Planet." Each chapter covers the places that she visits on her trip to discover the truth about our food sources and food shortage. She goes on to explain why there are people starving in a world that is producing plenty of food to feed everyone. She also explains five myths about food that we as the consumer are led to believe by the large corporations that control our food production.

 There was quite of information that I read in this book that I was not aware of. I had heard of the food shortage and knew about all those people who were starving all around the world because there was not enough food to go around. I had no idea that food shortage was a myth and that we were producing plenty of food to feed everyone but we were just choosing to waste it instead of share it. I was shocked to read that almost half our grain produced in the U.S. was used to feed cattle instead of those who are going hungry. I don't understand how that makes sense to feed half our grains to cattle who only give a small fraction of nutrients in return instead of to people who need it. Where is the logic in that? If there is any scarcity out there it is because we humans are creating it ourselves. Instead of fixing this simple problem we instead to mass produce GMO (genetically modified organisms) plants. These types of plants don't offer us the same amount of nutrients as naturally grown plants plus they are grown with chemicals. That's our big solution? To ward off starvation you are gonna feed us unnaturally grown food just because it's faster and cheaper for the producers?

 We are just looking for a quick solution to fix everything and that wont work to get done what we really want to get done. People need real food with real substance and nutrients. Society needs to get involved to help stop this problem. Buying locally can really help to make sure that you are getting fresh naturally grown fruits and vegetables. To quote the author, "what's good for you is also good for the earth." Naturally grown foods are better for you and for the environment. There aren't chemicals involved in the growing process and the food isn't processed food either. When we choose to eat these foods they effect our health, there is more fat in these foods and less nutrients as well. This increases our weight which increases our risk for disease. What we can do to help the environment and improve our health is to eat naturally and locally grown foods.


  1. It seems that's how our society is going with most things these days... People are going to pick and choose what they tell and give us because it will be faster and cheaper. It is sad that they can control so much of what the public knows. You are very right when you said we are looking for the quick fix to everything, this is helping no one in the end. People need to know the truth about where our food is coming from and what is actually being done with it. This definitely sounds like an interesting book so far!

  2. Wow that all sounds pretty interesting. I like when books talk about certain myths that we believe to be true even when they aren't. There are better ways to grow our food. I hope you enjoy this book and keep informing us about the myths that you learn about.

  3. In general one problem with man kind is that we want to solve everything quickly and then sweep it under the rug most of the time. This semester I am really starting to see the positive impacts that buying locally can have on our environment.
    The book sounds interesting, enjoy the next chapters!
